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Dear Professor/Leading Researcher of a Research Institution in the water and environmental sector located in a European country,

Due to the growing need to deliver smart, reasonable, more resilient and environmentally sensitive water and wastewater systems, the EWA (European Water Association) would like to bring research and innovation institutions from the different European countries together to create partnerships into a European networking to enhance this urgency. For this purpose, an EWA Research Membership is officially open to any non-profit making research institution, such as university (as a whole or a specific department), research and/or innovation center, laboratory, or any another appropriate unit, in the field of water and the environment.

Therefore, we would like to offer your institution the opportunity to join the new EWA research network. With this research membership you will:

  • Be integrated in the EWA activities at each biennial IFAT Environmental Trade Fair in Munich where your institution can:

–  Contribute to and present your findings at the biennial EWA International Symposium

–   Be a co-exhibitor at a Joint Research stand (in preparation),

–   Take part in the University Challenge

  • Join EWA activities, workshops, symposia and conferences at a reduced registration fee
  • Get the opportunity to present research work at international or European level of the EWA Symposia, Conferences and Workshops with a significant impact!
  • Profit from the EWA network of water and wastewater professionals
  • Exchange experiences among other Research institutions located in different European countries.

We would be thrilled to connect you to the EWA family via the new opportunity of the Research Membership and will be happy to assist you in your decision!

Please send your application form to Mona Lorvik (!

Support the European water sector; join the EWA as a Research Member!

EWA Research Member (presentation)
EWA RM Application form